Anthony Teresi Psychic Visionary, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, Interprets the 22 Major Arcana of The Tarot. Part 2

Anthony Teresi Psychic Visionary,

Interprets the 22 Major Arcana of The Tarot

in a Psychic Tarot reading.

Part 2 (of 3)

The Journey Continues…

In the significance of the 22 Major Arcana of The Tarot Part 1, we outlined that the Tarot, especially the Major Arcana, brings forth through the psychic tarot reading an interpretation of its mysteries, and introduction into the qualities of the journey of life we all take. We noted that The Fool is the traveler of that journey, being naïve and innocent yet with a sense of excitement and adventure, he encounters and interacts with the primal forces of life.

First, The Fool developed an inner sense of identity. He encountered The Magician, which introduced him to the awareness of the creative forces within. He developed this awareness as an expression of his ability to create a life in the world in which he found himself. The Fool was then introduced to The Priestess energy, representing his inner psychic ability of knowing and interacting with his Source consciousness, beyond thoughts and words.

Then came the structures of outer personality with The Emperor and The Empress, representing the pairs of opposites or the roles of identity that The Fool would assume and encounter as he traveled along his way. After having developed a sound identity by fusing both an inner and outer sense of self, The Fool was confronted by The Hierophant, with its mentality of mass belief systems, philosophy, dogma, and the search for truth. There was the choice to either follow the crowd or strike out on his own search for real truth and meaning.

Also, we saw The Fool encounter The Lovers, experiencing the phenomena of feelings toward the ‘other’ or another, possibly even experiencing the highest emotion of love. This introduced The Fool to objects of emotional desire opening in him the craving of ‘good,’ or that which is loved, and ‘bad,’ that which is not loved. The next potential to emerge was The Chariot, the desire to immerse himself into life and run its race, to achieve and to win.

Without having experienced the first six qualities, however, The Fool would never have been able to harness the power of The Chariot and he would not have developed ‘preferences’ to stir the desire to run the race and to ‘win’ to begin with. This is where The Fool experienced his first victories, by meeting and rising above the challenges of the first 7 principles of life. For the moment he stands victorious.

Now, in PART 2, The Fool must face further tests, further experiences that will challenge him (or her!) to engage and immerse himself in an even deeper more profound perceptual experience of life. He must continue to raise his awareness to interact with and rise above even more powerful forces.

I, as a psychic reader and expert in The Tarot, see clients in person in Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, Ventura County, CA. and on Zoom or over the phone throughout the U.S.A. and the world. I have had the honor to interpret these symbols and combinations in multiple ways over many years to help individuals find their way and embrace their good fortune, or find ways to steer around approaching conflicts. 

Anthony Teresi Psychic Visionary, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, Interprets the 22 Major Arcana of The Tarot. Part 2

Justice VIII

The appearance of the Justice card in a psychic tarot reading will often represent some issue of balance that needs to be, or is about to be, remedied.  Balance will be restored and in so far as our quality of life, we can rest assured that we will be treated fairly. “Fairly” however, is not the mundane definition of Justice, it is the universal definition that comes into play. Whether it be in a court of law or a serious relationship, if the attendant cards in the psychic tarot reading are favorable, we can expect the desired outcome to occur. Justice in universal law always prevails in the grander sense, as the forces of cosmic equality are forever being tested and balanced one against the other. Justice in the human condition means that our personality demands the elimination of excess baggage, wrong ideas, and useless forms of education. We are forced to take stock and eliminate whatever it is that is tipping the scales against out truest soul expression. Relationships for example, that are not serving us come under a high level of scrutiny in a psychic reading when Justice appears. This can also portend that perhaps we have misjudged or mischaracterized someone, even ourselves, and need to reevaluate our position. Whatever the circumstance, greater balance has become necessary and must be restored. Justice, in a psychic tarot reading can also indicate the legal binding forces of marriage or genuine partnerships that have come into our life and have solidified into permanent fixtures for our betterment. Here is where The Fool finds equilibrium and the ability to continue.

Anthony Teresi Psychic Visionary, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, Interprets the 22 Major Arcana of The Tarot. Part 2

The Hermit IX

The Hermit, following Strength, gives us our first insight into how we develop and connect to that light within.  Now we are able to identify whatever measure of wisdom we have garnered from our life path up to this point of our current development. It is through our ability to focus and utilize that wisdom and embrace the quality of our choices that we seek a greater vision by which to now live our life, going forward. This is the moment when we are benefited by keeping our own silent counsel, and calming our soul. By exercising prudence and discretion in our daily lives and perhaps through meditation or other inner disciplines or methods, we ask for wisdom from above to flood through us from within, illuminating our soul’s highest purpose. Perhaps even instruction from an expert in your field or a meeting with someone who is well advanced along the spiritual path, will help guide you through this time and help to attain your goals. It may be necessary to take a journey in order to gain this knowledge. In a psychic tarot reading, Strength and The Hermit indicate that perhaps there has been a refusal or an immaturity around foolish vices that have led you to this moment. Here The Fool learns that one cannot be Peter Pan forever. The time has come to take stock of who you are and how you wish to transform your energy to resonate with the emanating light from within. 


Anthony Teresi Psychic Visionary, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, Interprets the 22 Major Arcana of The Tarot. Part 2

The Wheel of Fortune X

The Wheel of Fortune represents The Fool, traveling along the path of life, being confronted by the changing, seemingly random fortunes of the outer world in the material levels of prosperity. In the grander sense, The Wheel of Fortune represents the wheel of samsara. We must come to terms with the fact that the creation of the greater universe may seem to us to be random. Often the energy of The Wheel intervenes in our best laid plans. When things are turning in our favor, we feel that life is showing up for us. Indeed, it is during these times that great fortunes may effortlessly come our way. Conversely, when The Wheel of Fortune spins into a downward spiral, as most assuredly it must, then we are confronted with ‘bad luck’ and we beseech the heavens and ask why, why have we been deserted? Neither, of course is true. In life, ‘success’ can manifest as an unexpected turn of good luck, an abundant change of extraordinary good fortune, as new and better conditions present themselves. The Wheel of Fortune represents the upward and downward spiral of changing events, and as such, failures, setbacks and difficult conditions must and will be encountered, often at the most inconvenient and vulnerable times, and will require courage, insight and wisdom to meet these challenges. It is at times like these that it is best to do a psychic tarot reading. This will give you the knowledge to know where you are in this constantly changing life we live.

Anthony Teresi Psychic Visionary - Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, Ventura County, Ca.


Anthony Teresi Psychic Visionary, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, Interprets the 22 Major Arcana of The Tarot. Part 2

Strength XI

Strength, the eleventh card of the major arcana is a visionary card and does not indicate physical, but rather represents spiritual strength. This is the type of strength that we learn to develop after having encountered a measure of life’s victories and defeats, creating a balance between our spiritual and material nature. This is the strength wherein we have the ability to establish harmony between the often opposing forces, presented in life, by our inner and outer nature. This represents the force of our character, our spiritual power to overcome the material obstacles and our choices to embrace the ability to direct love to triumph over hate. In a psychic tarot reading, this shows us the time has come to embrace this higher nature radiating from within. The benefit of rising above our lower baser instincts and our resistance to growth and personal evolution is now present and obvious. If the domination of the material world or the discord and lack of moral force, and even fear of the unknown has taken our life over, this is the moment to rise above. Strength, in a psychic tarot reading, is our inner voice telling us that we have the spiritual resources and the ability, even though it may not seem so. It is time to look upwards and choose the higher path of personal evolution and growth. 



Anthony Teresi Psychic Visionary, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, Interprets the 22 Major Arcana of The Tarot. Part 2

The Hanged Man XII

Often, we enter into a psychic tarot reading with the special talents of a gifted psychic to help us consult the tarot and guide us through difficult times. The Hanged Man, coming to the surface represents just such a moment and suggests perhaps it is time to pause and suspend decisions. In reading the cards we may find that insight and wisdom may be churning within us but may not have made their way into a clear path indicating the best way forward. This is the moment that we can refine our personality and our endeavors in life by simply not having to make decisions and allow our personal evolution to catch up with the moment of our being. In a psychic tarot reading The Hanged Man shows that going within to rededicate ourselves to our new truth, new principles and new spiritual alignment can help identify those elements in our life that have hindered us from expressing our hidden inner light. The Hanged Man often appears in the moments preceding great change in our life, when we understand that perhaps our path ahead is not the one that we thought we were on.  By not having to take the next step, at this moment, and coming to terms with our own personal view as spiritual beings, the energy of The Hangman allows us to realize grander vistas ahead. A new horizon may be envisioned now that, perhaps, we wouldn’t have seen going the way we were traveling. 


Anthony Teresi Psychic Visionary, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, Interprets the 22 Major Arcana of The Tarot. Part 2

Death XIII

I have often noted during the course of many psychic tarot readings when Death appears, a hushed silence seems to come over the moment. While Death certainly does indicate that elements of one’s life may have come to a sudden or prolonged ending, it rarely indicates the actual loss of life. As I have mentioned many times, the cards represent dual meanings. In the case of death, if we could flip the card over, we would see a newborn baby. This is the true indication of this card. Transformational change is often preceded by destruction or endings which are then followed by reward. The changes may be in our consciousness, or in our lives, materially speaking. We may end a profession, and take up another one more conducive to where we have evolved to. A relationship or partnership that has been draining our energy and zest for many years may come to an abrupt end. Quite often it isn’t until after the fact that we realize this is precisely what needed to happen so that now we could forge new relationships that are necessary for the betterment of our personal and future evolution. Often there is sadness and resistance to this type of change, however necessary it may be. If that is the case, Death appearing in a psychic reading can indicate disasters, upheavals, perhaps even temporary stagnation and a feeling of inertia. Life is in constant motion. It is always remaking itself and our destiny is an unmistakable part of that process. Death is that vital force that transforms the old and worn out ways that no longer serve us, and allow new opportunities to help us along our way. It is here that The Fool, traveling along his journey of life realizes that Death the destroyer, has in the same moment, become Death the transformer!

Anthony Teresi Psychic Visionary - Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, Ventura County, Ca.


Anthony Teresi Psychic Visionary, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, Interprets the 22 Major Arcana of The Tarot. Part 2

Temperance XIV

Temperance represents the calm after the storm. We now stand renewed in this moment, and take spiritual stock of where on life has led. We see clearly the lessons we have learned, and how we have adapted, coordinated and modified our energy to work in harmony with others and with our interaction in the world. In a psychic tarot reading, the transference of water from one vessel to another, represents the embodiment of moving our consciousness to a higher state. The knowledge and wisdom that we have moved beyond what were our limitations is unmistakably present and has become an indelible part of our psyche. Temperance marks that moment in The Fools journey, when the realization of the need to cast off the former shell, and embracing a new life has come to pass.  It is here that we learn to identify and transform the purely subconscious promptings from childhood and our immature former life, into the brilliant rays reflecting from the sun of our spirit moving us forward to a greater realization. Temperance always delivers on its promise that, after all we have gone through, we will now be able to see where we stand in the clearest light. If we have dealt with our self-competing interests, personal combinations of choice that have proven unfortunate and the incessant inner quarrel of our self worth and stand above them all, we are well on our way. If these elements still reside in our life and have not been mastered, our task is well outlined in what lies ahead. This represents another moment of perspective in The Fools journey that moves him ever onward toward enlightenment and mastery. Temperance, in a psychic tarot reading, suggests taking a moment to be gentle with ourselves. We are, after all, on a journey and we are learning as we go.


If you would like to learn more about the Tarot or would like to arrange an in person reading in the Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, Ventura County, CA. area please contact me to set an appointment. Can’t make it in person? Contact me to set a Zoom, or phone reading at 818 430 8606.


Anthony Teresi Psychic Visionary, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, Interprets the 22 Major Arcana of The Tarot. Part 3


Anthony Teresi Psychic Visionary, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, interprets the 22 Major Arcana of The Tarot. Part 1