Destiny or Fate. What is the Difference?

Anthony Teresi Psychic Visionary

illuminates the meaning of these forces and how they appear in our lives.

 Anthony Teresi Psychic Visionary

Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, Ventura County, California

planets in astrology

Is it Destiny? Or, is it Fate? These two mysterious forces often play a significant role in the many tales and stories of star crossed lovers across eons of time. The very concept of ‘star crossed lovers’ refers to a romantic couple whose relationship is either charmed or doomed by external forces beyond their control. These forces often include experiences reaching the highest pinnacle of blissful and passionate romantic love - or falling into the deepest pit of despair, realizing too late that we’ve been caught in the clutches of Fate.

It is these very questions, when in a psychic reading with Anthony Teresi Psychic Visionary, we can come to terms with the nature and unfoldment of these forces in our love life. It can often be determined during the course of a psychic reading whether we are on a karmic path which will result in an ill-Fated difficult ending, or, if indeed we are on a path that lifts us to the very heart of romantic love itself.

Prophecies And Omens: The lives of any two people might be intertwined from birth. Prophecies and omens from the early age of each partner, foretelling of their union and the challenges they may face, are often present. Once they meet it is difficult to know at the onset, despite what might appear to be their deep love for each other, if their destinies are compatible and rise into romantic love in the highest. One of the main qualities we look for is the all-important aspect of timing. Is the meeting or encounter occurring, despite the obstacles, at an opportune time for both?

Circumstances and Coincidences: Destiny can present out of the blue experiences that may be quite extraordinary and cause us to feel an exhilaration like no other. It is often seemingly unique and emotionally blinding, but may not immediately foretell the true energies weaving their way into the future. Perhaps not until looking back, can we see the miracle of two people finding each other who were always destined to be, or the truth of our Fate, as we attempt to navigate a series of circumstances and coincidences that continuously prevent us from being together. The circumstances and coincidences of Destiny and Fate, often having a similar excitement to them initially.

Higher Powers and Interventions: Often when Destiny is in expression it may seem as if celestial forces have intervened on the lover’s behalf, or conversely pushed them apart, testing the strength of their commitment. These powers could be seen as cosmic forces that dictate the lovers’ ultimate outcome. These forces may represent the feeling of an otherworldly assistance, or unavoidable interference, making it possible or impossible to proceed. During the course of a psychic reading, these energies can be sorted out and we can see which one is at play. It must always be remembered that Destiny and Fate are forces that impact our lives in similar but unseen ways. They will resolve, however, in completely opposite ways.

Anthony Teresi Psychic Visionary is a master in this field.

Sacrifice And Tragedy: Destiny, even though the higher power, often demands sacrifice from the lovers. In many cases even if their love is strong, there can be the need to overcome insurmountable barriers and obstacles in their lives at the time of their meeting. They often have to choose between their love for each other, and other important obligations and responsibilities, such as family, children, or other similar choices and must find ways to create alternative solutions. In tragic cases, if one or both lovers are unable or unwilling to let go of the restrictions that block them and move forward together, they may pay the ultimate price of sorrow and heartbreak.

Reincarnation and Life Cycles: Destiny or Fate can also intertwine with the concept of past lives or cyclic life patterns. In many instances it can be seen in a psychic reading with Anthony Teresi, that the lovers may have been together before through different time periods of life, continuously finding each other over many lifetimes, being both transported to mountaintops of ecstasy or tragically torn apart. In each case, however, their love transcends time and the cycles repeat, emphasizing the inevitability of their separation and the promise of their future return. Often there is a karmic pattern of great success, and depth of spiritual experience exposing and evolving the soul of each lover to the greatest encounter possible in their spiritual journey through time.

Whether or not we can fathom the involvement of Destiny or Fate in our own personal love life, these concepts have been handed down for all of history and contribute mightily to the notion that falling deeply in love is the most amazing event that can ever occur in our life. We also know it can be the worst heartbreak we’ve ever experienced, leading to our descent into tragedy. The forces of Destiny and Fate are so similar in how they create obstacles, coincidences, and extraordinary moments in our lives. It truly does seem that higher powers are conspiring to keep our bond of love together at any cost, or, driving us apart to suffer mightily through what we come to see as our own delusions. Oddly enough, the Soul perpetually grows from either eventuality.

While it may be difficult for the lovers to really tell whether they are in Destiny’s embrace in the moment, it may be only in looking back and evaluating the events as they unfolded in retrospect that clear vision comes to us. One major indicator that more than romance is at play, is when experiences happen in synchronistic ways that are completely inexplicable. You might just ‘happen to be’ in the right spot at precisely the right moment and out of the blue an event happens. You meet someone or bump into an old friend who wasn’t there 2 seconds ago and think to yourself ‘how can this be?’ 1 or 2 seconds either way and the moment would never have materialized. If these experiences continue to happen in many different ways over time, then we can see that higher forces are at play. 

Often, we live our romantic life not taking into consideration that perhaps these forces are at work not only in our current relationship, but perhaps in our entire life. Have you ever been searching for one special person? Has that person eluded you but you still have a ‘feeling’ you will meet them someday?  Have you had a series of bad relationships that left you emotionally exhausted and then suddenly someone is there to love you like no other? Or, have you found that one true gem in the midst of all the rocks and stones that shines only for you?

Is it Destiny, or, is it Fate?

Tried - True - Trusted

 Anthony Teresi Psychic Visionary

Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, Ventura County, California


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